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My 2020 Journey from Within - A Prelude to My Unfolding

The infamous 2020 year may have come and gone, but I remember so much of it, as everyone else does too! For me, 2020 involved rude awakenings, struggles, painful adjustments mixed in with hope, joy, peace from the embrace of the Divine force within me - Love. It continues as I enter ...

The Gift of Presence and Healing Grief - A 2020 Reflection with Pat Sheveland

2020 year is almost complete, and many can’t wait to have it close. In the spirit of hope for the coming 2021 new year, I take this moment to share a gift I felt blessed by in my recent time with Pat Sheveland, Intuitive Coach and Spiritual Healing Guide, who specializes in ...
Wisdom from Awareness Appreciation is Not Always What You Think

Wisdom from Awareness: Appreciation is Not Always What You Think

(photo credit above: Gerd Altmann-Pixabay)   In the busyness of our days (maybe into the night, too!), especially in these (still) unusual COVID times, emotional intelligence is a critical inner skill for our wellness during our moment to moment and day to day, both at work and ...
A Culture of High Engagement - Maria Speaks at St. Lawrence College

A Culture of High Engagement - Maria Speaks at St. Lawrence College

Honoured by this, another opportunity to speak on "The Importance of Creating and Cultivating a Workplace Culture of High Engagement". And, yes, you guessed it, I will weave in my signature message for how the kind of culture that sustains lasting success for all, can be achieved ...