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Get Your Brilliance Back!

Get Your Brilliance Back!
You're a compassionate, purpose-driven professional and devoted parent who adores taking care of family, connecting with friends, and community.

You know your contributions matter, so you RISE to take care of things at work, at the home-front and socially - that is a definite given! And Kudos to you! something else rising too?...creating a whole other path of overwhelm stacking up and leaving you painfully caught between “too much” of what you don’t want and “not enough” of what you do want? You feel chronically distracted, missing the vitality and leading edge focus you once had for meaning, influence and impact...and YOU WANT IT BACK.

How are you supposed to continue flourishing in what matters most to you, when you’re going through something that’s sucking the life out of you? You’ve held it together in your important roles for years and it’s worked out...until now. πŸ˜±

In an effort to figure it out, I bet you’ve tried all sorts of tools and strategies:
…Carving out quiet time or keeping busy.
…Time management tools and goal setting systems.
…Therapy, a mentor, a coach.
…A cocktail of panaceas and prescriptions.
…Getting out for some fun or trying something new.
...Expensive exercise equipment and regimens.
...Spas/retreats, getaways, and quick self-help courses.
...Prayers, meditations, affirmations.

All known approaches, yet you’re finding nothing sticks or goes deep enough to help you quickly get back to your vibrant self and the meaningful life you love.😨

How do you find the β°TIME β° to finally figure out what you need to make it all connect to thrive in what matters most to you, and for lasting relief without adding to your pain, dilemmas that cloud your focus, overwhelm and drain you?

How do you justify investing in yet ANOTHER “game-changer” that promises to release you from what you feel is more like a ‘life sentence’ or a new chapter of impending disappointments?

😨 It IS nerve-racking to try tools and have none of them work in a deep and lasting way. Ask yourself, “Is the battle really worth it?”

πŸ€” So if not now, when is it right to tend to this?
πŸ€” Dare you risk being open and honest with yourself and others, especially when you’re pressed for time, when you’re already drained, in pain on so many levels, and maybe dreading what more unwanted discoveries you’ll find out?
πŸ€” Is it worth letting go of what keeps you too busy to pay attention to what you need, let alone want?
πŸ€” Do you ask for help, quit that job/career, relationship, habit...or do you wait it out? Do you know what it takes? And how often?
πŸ€” What about another quick fix tool so you don’t waste any more time?

STOP. πŸ€― Just STOP. And I feel you...this word seems dramatically insane, when you are thinking it is simply not an option to stop...when you are likely thinking about that list of must-or-should-do’s! But really...STOP... at this moment, breathe in...breathe out…and just arrive here, right now…

If any (or all) of the above rings true for you...aches in your head, heart and body, depleting you of your leading edge focus and sense for your clarity, vitality, genius and wellness, from every cell and fibre of your being…What I’m about to share may be able to help you.

Hey there, it's me… πŸ‘‹ And, while I don't claim to know it all, I have helped motivated, compassionate people regain their vitality, clear influence and impact at work, at home and in personal life, without selling short on what matters most for their brilliance to shine. πŸ’ͺ

And yet…Not that long ago, I was in your shoes. I'd take one step forward only to take three more back, and it didn’t matter how successful my external life seemed - I felt lost, tired, and in pain. If I was crushing it at work, my health and personal relationships would suffer; or the other way around. It took me years to figure out and orchestrate what matters most in a life of brilliance. And it keeps getting even better, each time.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to consider what I’m about to share, so that you, too, can stop hitting dead ends or getting lost in time wasters that deplete you at all levels leaving you stuck and drained. Instead, welcome my invitation to quickly revitalize for the life you want, so that you can get on with your brilliance and continue to advance in a life you feel proud that makes the difference you want, for even

πŸ‘‡That’s what I’m proposing hereπŸ‘‡ …

I’ve had several compassionate professionals who are also devoted parents reach out to me for support. It’s led me to this crazy-beautiful idea to build something for them - those I call Brilliance Makers who know they make a difference in their important roles for others, and want to get their brilliance back from those trying times that keep showing up.

Allow me to show you how to go from ‘overwhelming pain and drain’ that drops you flat, to feeling and showing up with your full vibrant, genius self with clarity again, despite changes and challenges you're facing personally or professionally or both. It yields tangible, lasting and meaningful results from your leading edge for your “next” RISE on the right path. What I call Brilliance Back.

No fluff. No messing around, a simple step by step plan to revitalize you from the inside out, so you can get back to your vitality, wholeness, clear genius, and gifts for the life and relationships you love and deserve in the quickest, and most expansive way possible!

βœ… If this resonates with you, I invite you to claim one of the 5 spots available now. Just reply back with: “Let’s Go” and I’ll message you from there. Or, feel free to click here for Discovery Session with Maria

πŸ‘‰ So much goodness intended from me for your Brilliance Back!