In the early summer of 2020, a few months after the breaking news hit us all with the global pandemic of COVID, Pat Sheveland, a Spiritual Entrepreneur, registered nurse, Spring Forest Qigong certified trainer, and a certified life and grief counselling coach in Minnesota, U.S., interviewed me on about my first book, "Love and The Highly Engaged Team", and my message of the power of Love for healing, high engagement, aligned productivity, impact and influence for what matters most in what with the "spirit of service", both personally and professionally.
It was a refreshing interview, as we talked about my published book and my mission to help motivated professionals through their engagement issues that get in the way for what truly matters most in a soulful work, business, and life.
I've been assisting people and businesses (both profit and not-for-profit) transform their workplace, their lives and their organizations for over 25 years. Over the last near two decades, I've evolved my service as I draw from thought leaders, ancient healing wisdom, and my faith-based spiritual journey. Having successfully led and facilitated transformational programs for employee relations and engagement, performance/success management, business and personal transitions, I draw from my passion for helping people and organizations achieve authentic and lasting success through heart-centered leadership that taps into each individual’s true vitality, well-being, passions, purpose, core genius and talents, no matter the vocation or field of work they are in.
It is in this way that I believe the essence of the working world will heal for lasting abundance in harmony with the larger world’s healing. I promote the vision of ease and abundance through inspiring others by doing what inspires for better results that serve.
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