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“The Four-Letter Word Smarter than Smart Leaders Live By” - Maria Nebres

"The Four-Letter Word that Smarter than Smart Leaders Live By", from me to you, with love! xo


*with special thanks to Expert Speaker, Majeed Mogharreban, Melissa Guedes, and the support team, for making my message come to life*

Maria Nebres, whose mission is to help leaders and their people connect to exceptional results through love, illustrates the brilliance of Love's compelling case for smarter than smart leadership.
With 27 years of HR experience, a published author of "Love and the Highly Engaged Team", and a certified trainer of Jack Canfield's Success Principles, Maria messages out in this speech that key for business organizations to thrive and prosper in this day and age, is in navigating our way back to Love, so that we can quickly ignite our inspiration for high engagement, aligned productivity, and exceptional results, everyone can contribute to, can be part of, and can be moved by.
Maria believes in today's business world, we are going through a revolutionary shift - shifting us from the old way of leading, to a required higher level of leading. This shift - she refers to as the Love Revolution - is one that raises our consciousness for a better way of taking care of and relating with our self and others.